Social Demons

I could take you by the hand

Show you the world, desert-like

See the people, hungering? 

You could command they be fed.

"We can't help them all," you say

"None should live on aid alone."

Sated by your platitude

Turn up the volume of the game.

Drag you to the capital

Show you darkness, greed, and lies

Cast yourself into this fray

Help repair this, for your own sake

"We will not be tested."

Caring only for the flash

Election turned to game show

Scandal and sound bite all that counts.

Tired, I try one last resort

Describe a future, glorious

If you would stretch out your hand,

Peace and joy could be had for all.

"Enough!" you cry, "Go away!"

What need of peace? You have toys

What need of joy? You have cash

Those with little aren't your concern.

I may not be pure

Perhaps you're right

Look to your own

Screw all the rest

Ignore the world, my countrymen and women

But I will never stop whispering in your ears

Tempting you, devil-like, to show compassion.